Thursday, April 21, 2005


I just fell asleep at my desk. Really. I was leaning on my hand, and the next thing I know, I gave a start and woke myself up. I don't know how long I was asleep, could have been only thirty seconds, but it's a first. I certainly wasn't asleep long enough for my arm to go dead and then tip over and whack my face off the keyboard (which I've seen happen, but it was a notebook not a keyboard, and it wasn't here it was in CS101). Also, not long enough for anyone to notice. I think.




mance01 said...

If it makes you feel better, my cubicle opens up into the main hallway, so everyone who walks by can see exactly what I'm doing (why I don't blog at work.) But I fell asleep at my desk one day, and then I snap awake and turn around to see if anyone saw me and the Health Officer for the whole county (the highest guy on the totem pole) is just standing there staring at me like I am NUTS! I just slowly turned back around and started to write something to look busy and not get fired. Apparently it worked. Anyways...I'm going to quit trying to make you feel better because even if I succeed, I keep making myself look like a big loser. :) Laters!

Johnny Sapphire said...

Seriously, Tom. You are going to get dooced if you keep blogging about work like this.

Tom said...

Do. Not. EVER. Use that word as a verb on my journal again.

thank you.

Anonymous said...

1. dooced
dooced: to lose one’s job because of one’s website.
Dude, I heard Janey got dooced last week.
Source: daveeee, Oct 29, 2004

2. dooced
Getting fired because of something that you wrote in your weblog.

"Blogger Heather B. Armstrong coined the phrase in 2002, after she was fired from her Web design job for writing about work and colleagues on her blog," (Source:
Last October, Delta Air Lines flight attendant Ellen Simonetti was fired, she said, for what her supervisor called a misuse of uniform. Simonetti had posted on her personal blog, Queen of Sky (now called Diary of a Fired Flight Attendant), pictures of herself, in her uniform, on an empty plane. Her blog also contained thinly veiled work stories.

(Yahoo! News)
Source: Mary Bo Barry, Feb 11, 2005

3. dooced
1. To be fired from your job from talking about it on your blog.

Tom said...

I know what it means. DO. NOT. USE. IT.

thank you.

Anonymous said...

dooce dooce dooce dooce dooce dooce dooce dooce dooce dooce dooce dooce dooce dooce dooce dooce dooce dooce DOOCE DOOCE dooce dooce dooce dooce dooce dooce DOOCE dooce dooce DOOCE