Thursday, April 21, 2005

Ah, young love

I was going to write about relationships, and how I'm not in one. I had intended on being serious, but my first few drafts were flip and off the cuff. Why would I want to be serious about love, or young love, or infatuation, or giant crushes that have almost no hope of reciprocation? That's the last thing I would be serious about (but seriously, when have I ever been serious about anything?)

I love the emotional turmoil associated with the begining of a relationship, that first period, when you don't know if the girl likes you, when her inadvertent smile can give you a heart attack you're so happy, when nothing makes sense and you realize you would keep it like that forever if you could. That's the stuff I love.. That's my favorite thing ever. Unfortunately (for me) the past few times that that situation has arisen the girl had no idea. When things start like that they almost never work out. All it takes is "wow, she's incredibly cool/ltalented/pretty/smart/cute, wouldn't it be great if...." and I'm off, a world of imagined happiness. My imagination is my fatal flaw. I create a world in my head where everything goes perfectly. I could script the first few dates. We're hopelessly enamored with (of?) each other. The problem, is this all happens in the few seconds after seeing the girl for the first time, before I've even had a chance to talk to her. I can count on one hand how many times it's worked out. Zero. Sometimes the girl doesn't want anything to do with me (kk) sometimes the girl likes me and would like to date me while continuing to like and date (and sleep with) all her other guy friends (km), sometimes the girl has a boyfriend (cb), and sometimes the girl never ever finds out (es). Tragic. (for me).

Anyway, spring is sprung. Love is in the air. For those of you lucky enough to have a crush, or other (significant or not) I wish you the best. For those of you out there without a crush or other, don't despair, I'm positive there's some guy you don't even know about crushing on you, whose heart stops when you glance his way and smile.

recommended download:
Matt Nathanson, Suspended
Howie Day, Collide


mance01 said...

Awww. I'm sure people have crushes on you too. Although from your last entry, they might be scary internet people. :) (J/K) Everyone has those stories of relationships that didn't work out. I think if you can go through your relationship stories without having to admit that you dated a convict, you're ahead of the game. :) Trust me.

Tom said...

you dated a convict? before or after his conviction?

mance01 said...

Before. The last time we spoke was when he called me from jail. You gotta draw the line somewhere...and a call recorded by law enforcement had definitely crossed mine. :-p