Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Tell all your friends

I'm building an empire. An empire of blogger connections. You want in? deal. just leave me a comment and make sure your blog is worth reading.

aside to mightygirl: Hey mightygirl, I'm waiting one week for you to post a comment here, then I'm putting you in the "peopleiknow" section anyway.

tell all your friends. adina, I know you only have that one other friend besides me, you should tell her.

recommended download:
The Doors, People Are Strange (when you're a stranger)


mance01 said...

Okay, you're going to think I'm a total freak, but I have to tell you. The name of my blog has nothing to do with coffee. It's actually a line from a (yup, you guessed it) OLP song. (I promise I'm not an obsessed fan, I just love their music. A lot.) :)

Tom said...

ha. you may not know this, but my link names don't really have much to do with anything, but sometimes with what they're linking too

and you shouldn't think I'm an insane fan either after that monologue on their albums. :Þ

K said...

Tom, stop flirting in your blog!


mance01 said...

OK, we're even. Oh, and BTW, they're AWESOME live. I've seen them twice- Raine even came out in the audience and shook my hand during "One Man Army." Good times :)

Anonymous said...


WTF I have lots of friends. but I am refusing to share because you are soliciting friends. friends don't solicit friends tom. friends booze friends up, make out with them once, decide it was a huge mistake (only to do it a few more times), reach a comfortable in between place with them, only to ruin that comfortable place with more making out. THAT is friendship. amateur.

oh and i don't know why you added so many i's to my name. there are a million ways to describe me tom. i know you have it in you.

Tom said...

Adina: I meant one other friend on livejournal (shab-rosie) I didn't mean you didn't have any other friends. Take Dan for example, I would have invited him too, but according to your lj he doesn't have much time no his hands.

it's all good.

Anonymous said...


well i have other lj friends! (flips through imaginary lj rolodex). you'll see.

and who is ani? and why am i crazy with her? :)

Anonymous said...

i'm happy to be part of the sidebar, as long as you acknowledge that there is no IE in rosY... THOM.

adina: i'm sorry to say it is too late to un-share your friends because you publicly link to them in your lj. remember the post where all you did was gush about your non-lj friends.

Anonymous said...

damnit you're right rosy. so smart.

Tom said...

ok, rosy you're in and I swear I got yelled at last time for spelling it with a 'y' but I guess "ie" is wrong, my bad.

adina, you're not with "ani" you're " Crazy-with-an-'I'" get it?

peace out yo

Anonymous said...

i had gotten the joke, it was a good one. unfortunately, the alcking spaces really makes me think "ani". and i know no ani that i am crazy with, except maybe difranco, though it's been so long since i've done crazy shit with her.