Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Now and then I find my way

I am the opposite of awake: tired. That's not really the opposite, but it is a good illustration of how my mind is working right now: Slowly. I think a giant dunkin donuts latte is in order, but I think I will probably not get one, since car insurance is so expensive. That didn't seem closely related, did it? I'll explain: I would like to purchase a car, I need money. I am saving money. I just learned however exactly how expensive car insurance really is: very expensive. Therefore, I need to save money for the car and also for the insurance for the car. Therefore I am trying, with much difficulty, to will myself into a spending freeze. No more bought lunches. No more spur of themoment dvd purchases. No more compulsive transactions for, yet another, pair of sunglasses. I have, to this point, failed miserably. Why, just yesterday I logged on to and bought the life aquatic and rushmore. It wasn't the one click purchase that got me either, I went through all the steps. I used to be good at saving money. Like in fuorth grade, when we got a quarter to buy milk at lunch, and I saved those quarters all year and at the end of the year I had like seventeen dollars in quarters. Which are still sitting in my piggie bank. Though, my boss did ask me to work late friday for some overtime pay. That's a good thing. Really, working late means I'll get out of here near maybe eight o'clock, that's the perfect time to head in to the city and eat dinner and then meet some people and go out. What a perfect way to blow the overtime pay I will have just earned. Spending freeze. Right.

recommended download
Three Doors Down, Away From The Sun


mance01 said...

I too am bored at work. But I can't install AIM on my computer at work. Because I work in an environment straight outta "1984." So, I sit and check my email all day. And by all day, I mean that I hit the "check mail" button at least once every 10 seconds. I kid you not. You should try to entertain yourself. Try putting a coworker's stapler in a jelly. Or take all their office supplies except one. For instance, remove all but one staple, all but one post-it note, all but one small piece of tape, etc. It's amusing watching people get up to go to the supply closet every ten seconds. Gotta go check email. Laters!

Donny said...

Imagine if you had actually used those quarters for milk. I bet you'd be 7 feet tall.

Have you tried setting up a separate savings account that you absolutely do not touch except for car expenses? I have my pay check directly deposited into my checking account, but then a percentage of my pay automatically goes to another savings. I try to forget about the savings account, until the big purchase, for which I'm saving.