Thursday, March 17, 2005

I'm done

That's it, I'm done proving myself. I'm done trying. So I'm out, I'm trying to impress you, it's how I am, it's what I do. I'm out, I'm on. Witty, clever, sarcastic, intelligent, whatever the situation calls for, that's what I am. All I need is for you to just for one second step back and notice, "hey, he's clever/witty/smart" and be impressed, or startled, or whatever, just enough that you reconsider, just enough that you say to yourself, maybe I should give this guy another chance, maybe he is "boyfriend material" maybe I was wrong to dismiss him outright. There's more there than I thought.

Fuck it. I'm done.

I'm not "on" anymore, I'm not proving myself, I'm not trying. I'm just going to be me, the me that doesn't care, and if you're not impressed, if you don't want to see what else is there, fine. it's you're decision. Because when it comes down to it I don't really need someone who's impressed when I'm trying, what I need, what we all need is someone impressed with who we are when we aren't trying, when we're just on standby. So now it's cruise control, and we'll see where it goes.

recommended download:
Counting Crows, Have You Seen Me Lately

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