Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Why I hate my job (today)

Can We Please--
For The Love Of...
Can we please-

I was hired to do a specific task. I'm supposed to balance mutual funds. It's not a hard thing to do. I'm entry level, low man on the totem pole, I understand this. I have zero responsibility. I copy and paste numbers from one program to another all day. Then I subtract. No, that's a lie, Excel subtracts, I dont' even do second grade math.

I just spent the morning in an archiving seminar. An hour to learn how to label boxes so they don't get lost. I swear to you I understand the need for archived backup files. What I do not understand is an hour long seminar that could have been replaced by a fifteen minute power-point slide show. You log on to the website. You input the important info, like: contents of the box, box number, and contact name. You download the file, mail merge in Word, and print. Input. Download. Print. Did I say fifteen minutes? That might be too long.

ARGH. Archiving? archiving. really. What the hell. Hire a damn secretary. Let him know up front: Your job is to do the brain-numbing work no one else wants. It'll be a hugely high turnover, whatever, at least he'll know up front. The only reason I had to go to the stupid seminar is because I was working late when my boss got the email. Working late. On these stupid funds that I hate. Making sure there wouldn't be any problems the next morning. Double checking. So what do we do? Let's reward the diligent young employee with greater responsibility and place him on the road to management. -or, or!- We could sign him up for a mindless administrative task! That's great! Now he can respond to questions from the other members of the group "Hey, does my name go in the first box or the second box?" with clever answers like "Your name goes in the box labeled NAME!" ARGH!!.

If I didn't want to buy a car I'd quit right now.


recommended downloads:
Sugarcult, Counting Stars
The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Let Me Be

1 comment:

Donny said...

Hey, send me your email address at work.