Wednesday, February 23, 2005

now, it's personal

Well, I'm glad I didn't write about how I asked the pretty girl to a hockey game, and she accepted, and I was all excited to take her and explain the game of hockey. BECAUSE NOW ITS NOT HAPPENING.

What the hell?
"so, hockey game tonight."
"oh, no sorry, I have to work my second job...thanks for inviting me though."

is this just a terribly scheduling conflict? or is it more what it sounds like, an outright LIE to get out of going to the game with me? I am so pissed. Incredible. I got worked up for this crap? No way. No eff-ing way.

Because now, it's personal.
She's not getting a moment's peace. I'm gonna be all over her. I am going to be so charming, so smooth, so confident, so cool, that she won't even recognize me. Game on. I am in the zone. Nothing like a social affront to pick you up out of the well of personal psychosis and anxiety. It's been kicked up a notch. Screw the funds. Screw archiving. Screw office politics and managerial dissaproval. No inter-office dating? Screw it. I'm all over this situation now. Drinks after work? Plans for the weekend? How about dinner tomorrow night? I bought more hockey tickets, and I'd still like to take you. EVEN AFTER YOU TOTALLY LIED TO AVOID ME LAST TIME.

I'm going mad. Mad I tell you.


recommended downloads:
Cake, Haze of Love
Cake, She Ain't No Good For You
Cake, Open Book
Cake, Italian Leather Sofa
Judas Priest, You Got Another Thing Comin'

oh-ho-ho, it's on now.


Anonymous said...

If you want to go out with this girl, do not stalk her. Be rightly pissed off but move on. Girls want what they can't have.

Anonymous said...

i say:


because, as you and i (and felecia, deep down) knows - stalkers are HOT.

love, adina

Anonymous said...

yes. thank you.