Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I am now writing a series of unrelated items because I'm bored.

My back hurts. I believe this to be the fault of my mattress, and/or the support for my mattress. Lower back aches are not anything more than a distraction, and I can certainly use disctractions.

I've got a security that's been missing a rate since last week, this will be a big deal once we finally get that rate because I will have to take an adjustment on the security, and nobody likes taking adjustments. I've checked three times already this morning and sent two messages to Bloomberg, so far, no response.

My simpson's calendar has stumped me yet again. I appreciate the open-ended questions more than the multiple choice questions because they make me feel more like I'm playing a trivia game than just making an educated guess.

I've not drawn any celtic knots lately, and actually, having just written that I'm going to start again.

Hyper-manager is back from vacation, which usually means problems with the funds...it's not that he causes problems, because he doesn't, it's that he sees problems coming three weeks off, and adjusts the funds now to fix them. But we almost never understand how exactly he's adjusting the funds, which lead to problems, which he fixes. It would be easier for us to just fix them as they come up, but I don't know what HM would do with himself.

No talk radio this morning, thank goodness. Pretty soon I'm going to hook up my iPod to my computer and blast music at Jonathan until he is forced to ask me to stop. I'll start with classic rock, because everybody likes classic rock, and then move on to folk music and punk, I'm open to suggestions.

It's cold out today, really really cold. I love the cold.

Cute girl is cute, but why would today be any different.

Everyone has had their hair cut over the long weekend. Crew cuts, wiffles, high-and-tight, everybody but me. I'm bucking the trend. Who says you have to look neat and presentable to work in finance? Well, whoever it is, they're wrong. Judge me by the quality of my work, not the length or (lack-of) style of my hair.

I got some new shirts over the weekend, I'm wearing one today, and I look pretty good.

I've no idea what to do later this week for dinner. No idea. I've received some good suggestions (thanks john) but don't know if that's the way I'm goign to go (though that's probably the smart direction) I may throw out the game plan on the grounds that it's too thought out and not spontaneous enough. I'll know when the time comes. By the way, snow on thursday, I'm staging a snowball fight. Have you read the calvin and hobbes strip where calvin opens up his thermos full of snow in the cafeteria and starts making snowballs? the line is "in three minutes every kid in this lunch room is going to wish they thought of this" Now all I need is a thermos.

Ben Lee, Cigarettes Will Kill You
Matt Nathanson, Wings
No Use For A Name, Beth (Kiss Cover)
Flogging Molly, Laura


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