Friday, January 21, 2005


I feel like I'm a supporting character in a hit sitcom involved in a running gag. This is the date that never happens. Really, this could be scripted. First couple of episodes, I meet the girl, I talk to my friends about her, "I think she's pretty" "I think she's nice" that sort of thing. Next few episodes I resolve to ask her out, and funny distractions and impediments ensue. I think we're having a nice conversation and then realize she's on the phone. The day I decide to ask her she's out sick, etc etc. Maybe about sweeps week I'd actually ask her for a date, and she'd agree. But then something would come up. Date's postponed, she had to fly home for the weekend. Date's postponed, she's got two jobs and has to work overtime. Date's postponed, she's invited to a conference in Phoenix. All of a sudden, the writer's get this great idea. Why not script it so that the date never happens. Then, for the next three or four seasons the excuses get more ridiculous and more subtle. Seinfeld-esque storylines start cutting in on the date. Three friends involved in a crazy scheme totally independent of me, somehow wind up stopping the date from happening. George and Kramer decide to go into the Utility business and start an independent gas company by pumping natural gas from Kramer's stove through a really long hose to local resturants. Jerry meanwhile is having car trouble, because he lost his parking space. By the end of the episode Kramer has blown up the resturant the date was supposed to take place at, and Jerry took the last parking space available in the city so the whole evening of the date we basically drive around looking for a spot to park until someone say "you know it's really late, and I have that thing tomorrow, maybe we should just call it a night" and on and on...maybe for the whole run of the sitcom. Fans will joke with each other "are they ever going on that date? ha ha"

Well, that's what it feels like. It's really only been like a week.

recommended download:
Seinfeld: George's Answering Machine


Anonymous said...

Believe it or not, George isn't at home. So, leave your message at the bee-ee-eep. Something, something, something...but where could he be? Believe it or not, I'm not home.

Tom said...

Believe it or not, George isn't at home
Please leave a message at the beep
I must be out, or I'd pick up the phone,
Where could I be?
Believe it or not I'm not home!
