Monday, December 06, 2004

quitting time

I haven't really woken up all day. Just been sitting here zoning out. I feel like I should quit this job. But then the money would stop coming in. I haven't decided if that's a big issue yet.

Right now the cubevilleians are browsing movie titles online and makign fun of Nikki's fur sweater (it's made from probably two hundred rabbits).
Coworker1: "2001: A Space Odessey, is that like, sci-fi?"
Coworker2: "Yeah, it's more drama than sci-fi, it's scary. It's from the same guy that did The Shining."
Coworker1: "Oh yeah, you're right, Stanley Kubrick."
Meanwhile I'm thinking something like "shut-up shut-up shut-up shut-up." Honestly. Stanley Kubrick? The Shining? Drama, sci-fi? Let's talk about totally obscure movie titles and pretend we care what everyone else thinks about them. Let's announce which ones we're going to buy, even though we haven't seen them yet. Let's just keep talking and talking and talking and talking and see if we can push Tom over the edge so he'll start screaming and tearing out his hair.

Argh. I need about three weeks off, for my own mental health. And when I come back, I don't think it should be to this job. New semester, new classes....why not new semester new job?

stupid pilgrims.


recommended download: The Beatles, Her Majesty


Anonymous said...

The Shining? 2001: A Space Odessey? Stanley Kubric? How are they obsure? They're classics.

Anonymous said...

But you have to remember that without the rest of the album, "Her majesty" just can't be appreciated. Abbey Road totally has to be listened to, in its entirety, for the full effect. Or at least maybe like, from track #6 onwards. Definitely #7 onwards.

Tom said...

I apologize, I did not mean to imply 2001 was an obscure title, in point my derision arose from the fact that it wasn't obscure, and my coworkers are morons.
They, after the 2001 discussion moved on to Teen Wolf and Strangers With Candy, and then beyond those titles to ones even I haven't heard of.

As to the Beatles. Her Majesty is great. even on its own.

Thanks for the comments.

Johnny Sapphire said...

Tom, it sounds like you need a new job. If I get this new one (I find out today), you can have my old one. It's very fun, and you can still pretty much blog all day.