Tuesday, December 07, 2004


I'm thinking about writing a screenplay. Like Office Space. But maybe a little more like Haiku Tunnel. And a little different from both of them. I'm not a member of the Hollywood elite though, so I think I'll have a little trouble getting it produced, but that's a worry for after it's written.

I'm also looking for collaborators. Especially anyone who is a) currently working and has cynical and derisive things to say about their work environment. b) working and has funny things to say about their work environment. or c) screenwriting/movie-watching experience.

Well, here at wherever it is I work it's budget time. That means late hours and lots of Excel documents that won't open or formulas that won't work. You may spot a post from me later on this evening, after quitting time (supposed to be 6:00, usually 6:30) and that's beacause I'm still here working on budgets. But hey, Christmas season, I can use the overtime pay to buy yankee swap gifts for the office. Huzzah.

John, as to your offer of a job, thank you. What is it you do?

More later. Tom out.

recommended download: Pearl Jam, Drifting Away

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