Friday, December 17, 2004

Merry Christmas Office Gift Giving

Well, what a productive morning I've had. Tied out income early (since I'd yet to purchase a gift for today's office yankee swap). Go out for coffee, and also for liquor (for the office yankee swap).

Done, Done and Done. And it's only like 10:45. Next up is Rates, which usually don't come in until 11:45 or sometimes later. Once Rates are in we Accrue through the Weekend, then tie out trades for the day. Tonight, I may or may not go see a movie, may or may not hang out with people I know, may or may not go home and watch Titus on DVD.

Movies like: Blade Trinity, the third installment in the trilogy about the vampire hunting half-man half-vampire in which he faces The First Vampire (cleverly called "Drake") highlights include Wesley Snipes martial arts, Jennifer Biel in tight clothing kicking vampire butt, and Ryan Reynolds' (from Two Guys A Girl And A Pizza Place semi-fame) hilariously wise-cracking and ad-libbing ex-vampire-turned-vampire-hunter.

The Life Aquatica with Steve Zissou: Another Wes Anderson (Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, The Royal Tenembaums) flick, this time written with Noah Baumbach, featuring Billy Murray and Owen Wilson as revenge-seeking shark hunters whose quest is beset by financial trouble, pirates, and more.

Ocean's Twelve: No plot summary here, if you don't know about Clooney & Friends' latest then you've probably skimmed to the recommended downloads already. I've heard good, I've heard bad, I've heard different, but I'd bet it's fun, and better than a poke in the eye.

Spanglish: I love Adam Sandler in dramatic roles. Also Tea Leoni is cool, and it's been a while since whatever that show was she did on NBC before Just Shoot Me took its place. And I can't help but laugh at the commercial where the mother is drinking at noon.

I Heart Huckabees: I've wanted to see this forever, but I haven't seen it, plans fell through, theater near my house stopped running it, etc. But it looks fun and weird, which is great, and that kid from Rushmore is in it, and that girl from The Ring, and other people too, like Dustin Hoffman, and seriously, when has he ever made a bad movie?

Kinsey: Something I'd like to see, I'm a Liam Neeson fan. Though I don't like the female lead much I think I could sit through it.

Ray: Jamie Foxx as Ray Charles, this kid can act.
Motorcycle Diaries: No one's been dissapointed that I've heard.
Finding Neverland: Johnny Depp, Peter Pan, fabulous visual effects. Heartwarming children's story.
House of Flying Daggers: Martial Arts, slow motion, wire work. Who cares if the plot only runs through the first half of the movie?

Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events: I'd like to read it before I see the movie, from what I've heard they put a slightly positive spin on this dark comedy, to lighten it up a bit for the kids. Jim Carrey going wild as Count Olaf mistreating the poor orphaned Baudelaire children and spending their inheritance.

Sideways: looks funny, good to great reviews, dark horse comedy of the season I think.

But, once I've seen them, then I'll really have something to say. (ps, keep an eye out for Johnny Depp in Tim Burton's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory).


recommended downloads:
Pearl Jam, Fatal, and I Am Mine
(if I've recommended these before, somebody yell at me and I'll change 'em. ;)


Anonymous said...

Just wondering if you need a date for your movie tonight?? :o)

Tom said...

that is the worst comment I have ever seen posted.
anon, please respond with the answers to the following
1. are you a girl?
2. are you a cute girl?
3. do I already know you?
4. are you as shallow as this post makes me seem?

thank you.

Anonymous said...


I am doing research for e-books on original gift ideas. That is how I ran into your blog Merry Christmas Office Gift Giving. Do you have any brilliant suggestion for a Christmas gift for a dad by any chance? I already have several books done and posted at but I am looking to upgrade some of the ideas for Christmas gifts. Thanks.

Anonymous said...


I am doing research for e-books on original gift ideas. That is how I ran into your blog Merry Christmas Office Gift Giving. Do you have any brilliant suggestion for a Christmas gift for a baby by any chance? I already have several books done and posted at but I am looking to upgrade some of the ideas for Christmas gifts. Thanks.

Anonymous said...


I am doing research for e-books on original gift ideas. That is how I ran into your blog Merry Christmas Office Gift Giving. Do you have any brilliant suggestion for a Christmas gift for a teen by any chance? I already have several books done and posted at but I am looking to upgrade some of the ideas for Christmas gifts. Thanks.

Anonymous said...


I am doing research for e-books on original gift ideas. That is how I ran into your blog Merry Christmas Office Gift Giving. Do you have any brilliant suggestion for a Christmas gift for a kid by any chance? I already have several books done and posted at but I am looking to upgrade some of the ideas for Christmas gifts. Thanks.