Sunday, December 19, 2004


Sambuca, from the office yankee swap holiday gift giving event. I didn't know at the time if I'd like it, but I picked it anyway. I'm always one to try new things.

And it is so good.

Drunk a lot friday night. Hungover Saturday morning, went out got Christmas tree (:-D) Then off to holiday party at John's. (btw, John, what a lame party ;) Had a good time, had lovely escorts home on the T, and getting back earlier than anticipated (11:45) caught Weekend Update (I love Tina Fey, and, to a lesser extent, Amy Pohler) and then had a three and a half hour conversation online, even though we'd scored free lift tickets for Sunday morning. So bed at 3:30 or something, wake at 7:15, ride up, snowboard for a while, ride back. and sleep. which was great. As I type we're making dough ornaments and watching Casino on USA. Ah, the holidays :)

Please leave a comment if you like sambuca. Or if you would like to try some, I've got a bottle here somewhere...


recommended downloads:
Van Halen, Jump, Higher, and Panama


Anonymous said...

For someone that works with money, you'd think you'd be better at math.

It was 2 hours. The Dalai Lama couldn't hold my attention for 3.5. Which reminds me, I need to find out how to get tickets to his speech...

Tom said...

Thanks, I've never been good with time. But maybe you forgot to factor in Daylight Savings...which would add another hour, plus the time zone difference making it longer, and rounding up, maybe I wasn't too far off. And I def. don't have connections for tickets to see the Dali Lama. Or, aparently Ocean's Twelve. But I swear I'm going to see Blade: Trinity before Christmas. Maybe wednesday night.

PS, dear owners and players assoc, bring back the NHL, thank you.


Anonymous said...

The Dalai Lama is coming to UT to speak in September. This has prompted mass excitement (liberal haven of Texas resides in Austin... yes, we were the random blue county in the middle of the state this election)... and surpisingly, much comedy. Case in point:

I'm at work the day it's announced, back in Oct. or so. My coworker, Jonathan, and I are discussing the event. Our (stupid, ignorant, arrogant, chauvanistic (sp?), Republican) boss says "What's the big deal?" (Can you tell that we hated him?)

Jonathan and I look at him strangely

"It's the Dalai Lama... kind of a really big deal"

"Well, what the hell will he talk about?"

Jonathan and I look at each other, at Keith, our other coworker, back at each other... none of us comprehend. Then I speak:

"Uh, gee. Peace?"

"Oh. Yeah. I guess that makes sense"

Tom said...

Chauvanistic. You got it. Also, I think that little anecdote was hilarious. You should send it to Reader's Digest.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I like Sambuca.