Monday, January 19, 2009

Hakcers! Help!

Dear Internet,

I would like to leverage your collective intelligence/experience/deviousness to solve a problem:

The kid that sits behind me plays (sucky) pandora music all day through his computer speakers. I would like to disable the speakers without disabling playback through the headphone jack (so disabling the soundcard is out)

Any ideas? Any command line code I can input when he gets up for a glass of water?

Ideally something that won't be a trivial fix for him, (so "mute all" is out)

Thanks, Internet!


PS someday I will learn to speak a language more advanced that html (which, is probably not a language anyway, and almost certainly not rigorous)

1 comment:

Roxanne said...

I have no clue how to do this, but just reading it made me laugh :-).