Thursday, September 04, 2008

It Takes Twice That Just To Get Me Out Of Bed In The Morning...

As those of you who are regular readers (probably in the billions by now, as I'm no longer firewalled in China) know, I occassionally write a bit about the Red Sox.

It's certainly no regular feature, but I am a fan of baseball, and Boston sports in general, and do take the opportunity, from time to time, to comment on the current sports scene.

Well, turns out, WEEI, a local Boston sports radio station, is looking for bloggers at the new to do just that. In fact, they have decided to hold a contest.

So let me tell you why I will not be participating:

(1) The required 500 word entry isn't long enough to encompass the typical blogger's ramblings (see

(2) They get the rights to the winner's content, because the winner will be hired to blog for a year on

(3) and be paid $5,000.

$5,000? Five grand? That's barely pocket money!

And I know, I know, you're thinking "Hey, if I were a blogger who regularly commented on the Boston sports scene for free, why wouldn't I want to upgrade to a nice $5K paycheck?"

I'll tell you why: Because it's peanuts. You could hire Jerry Seinfeld to blog for maybe a week with that $5,000. And my Red Sox commentary is worth at least Seinfeld money.

Yes, I realize Seinfeld's a comedian, but most bloggers are (trying to be) comedians too! Funny sells! Funny does not sell out. Not for a measly five grand.

Hell, that's not even enough for a hood ornament on one of these bad boys.

Other bloggers are with me on the boycott of the contest (for different, more defeatist, reasons) at Sox and Dawgs

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