Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Lesser of Two Distractions

I skimmed most of the agenda for the staff meeting:
Aged Items - doesn't apply to me
New Clients - doesn't apply to me
New Staff - doesn't apply to me
Negative Interest Errors - happen less than 1% of the time, I'm not interested
Upcoming Vacations - does apply - DGD, Friday, move on
Internet Usage - definitely applies.

Apparently they've started tracking internet usage, the usual sitetracker type stuff, and additionally, time spent online. Unfortunately for our manager our group was at the top of the list for "excessive internet usage" because the program they're using to monitor the stats doesn't distinguish streaming radio. Two guys in the group listen to sports radio online while they work all day every day. Their "internet usage" is through the roof.

In any case, the manager isn't worried, but recommended we stay offline for a while and try to find a different groove. So, I tried it. As it turns out, if I'm not online, my productivity goes way down.

Which is counter to the company's reasoning, certainly.

They think "online => distractions => less work being done" - but it's not the whole picture.

See, I'm going to find ways to distract myself regardless of internet access. I'm surrounded by office supplies. I can spend hours wasting ink and paper doodling abstract geometric figures. I'm not kidding, hours.

Online is a distraction, but at least it's a distraction that keeps my attention focussed on the computer screen, which is where my work is. If I'm surfing the web then I'm also alt+tab-ing to the trades panel every time a new webpage loads, because it's easy to do, because it's right there! If I'm scratching out a complicated celtic knot pattern on printer paper I'm going to get lost in the design and not look up for ten or fifteen minutes of my time.

Online distractions are more productive than offline distractions.

So bring back AIM.



Johnny Sapphire said...

I can't download AIM either, but computers are pre-installed with MSN, which I am getting used to. Try that.

Gchat is nice, but I keep closing gmail or something, so it's cumbersome.

craziasian said...

j - solution: don't close gmail. problem solved.

i love gchat. nobody blocks gmail and i love how they switch your smiley faces right side up.