Tuesday, October 09, 2007

You're mad? Call me back.

Overheard, as I log in to my computer this morning. Speaking, Trade Manager (on the phone), Cash Team Manager (next cubicle over):

[on the phone] "...Ok, you're mad... If you're mad, call me back in an hour when we can talk." [hangs up]

"Dude, she's mad? Do you know what kind of emotions you're mixing right now? The relationship emotions, now the getting engaged emotions, and, who knows, maybe that...other thing - that's a wild card."


"You know, that "old friend," the thing we're not allowed to bring up ever? You know what I mean. It's an excuse. They can be mad just because they want to be mad. We pay the penalty."

"Yeah, I told her, 'call me back in an hour so we can talk' - she calls me back a second later [squeaky voice] 'you think I can't talk!?'"

"Playing with fire, man. Playing with fire."

Maybe you readers can guess which manager is married and which is engaged.

It's stuff like this that prompts coffee breaks fifteen seconds after I walk in the door.


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