Thursday, October 11, 2007


Topping out my wishlist this holiday season (specifically the time between Halloween and Dan Goldin Day) are these two video games:

Assassin's Creed:

Ok, I'll be honest, this game looks totally awesome. You're part of an assassin's guild, and you're taking out the Templars...or you are a Templar and you're taking out their enemies...or something. Anyway, the game looks sweet, and early reviews have compared its style of gameplay to Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time which is a totally awesome game.

Check the trailer:

The Orange Box:

This is basically five games for the price of one. Half Life, and Half Life 2, bestsellers and world famous PC games (Counter Strike, which some readers are familiar with, is a Half Life mod). The disc also has Portal, a puzzle/platforming game which utilizes portals that will transport you instantaneously from one to the next, like in cartoons. And finally, Team Fortress 2, a multiplayer shooter with nine player classes, like Sniper, Doctor, Engineer, Soldier, and DemoMan. The game is designed in The Incredibles style and the promos are hilarious.


The Engineer:

The Soldier:

The Heavy:

There's also a rumor about A Prince of Persia prequel trilogy. Sweet.


1 comment:

El_Gump said...

Sorry to say, I'm not too passionate about video games. I haven't been good since Ducktales and Contra. I am passionate about NOT using Eric Gagne in any scenario of import. Especially in a tie Game 2 of the ALCS. Ugh.