Friday, May 04, 2007

Co-ed Company Softball

Tonight's my first company softball game.

I'm holding out hope it won't be lame, but we're playing in an uncompetitive, co-ed league.

You've all played in co-ed leagues before, right? The intramural flag football in college, the CYO volleyball games, what have you.

They are, perhaps by definition, lame. Peppered with ridiculous sexist rules adhered to by (usually) militant umpires or referees who must feel that lives hang in the balance on each and every call.

I certainly don't have any problem with women playing sports. I do have a problem with preferential, or down-right ludicrous, treatment of both the men and women who suffer under these guidelines.

To whit:

10.1 The league will adhere to the American Softball Association rule regarding walking a male batter when a female batter is on deck.

-When a male batter is walked with a female batter on deck, the male batter will be awarded second base.

-If there are less than two (2) outs, the female batter must bat. If there are two (2) outs, the female batter has the option of accepting an automatic walk or batting.

I want to play competitive ball. I don't like being handcuffed by trivial rules.

I say, if you're going to make distinctions between players, and those distinctions will play a role in the rules of the game, don't separate players into groups of "men" and "women," but rather, separate them into groups of "good" and "not good."

Field two teams. Anybody who sucks can go play in a league with automatic walks, free bases, ghost runners, four outfielders, "safety bags," and God bless them for it.

The rest of us just want to play softball.



11:15 PM Back from the game. I had fun - and even if I didn't, I wouldn't be looking for a more competitive league, because I suck.

It might have something to do with not picking up a baseball or bat for six years.

I'm sure next game will be better. It could hardly be worse.

Tom's First Softball Game:
0-3 with 2K, 2 errors


Anonymous said...

Funny! I would think that if you wanted to play competitive ball you would join a real team, not the company co-ed team...

craziasian said...

that's bullshit. i play intramural softball and the only rule relating to girls is that at least three girls had to be actively playing in the field and in the line up at all times.

once, i totally ran into a catcher who was blocking the plate. don't block the plate, is all i'm saying.

Tom said...

Thanks, anon, great advice, also, get a real name.

I signed up for the company softball team with the understanding that we played in a competitive league. After I paid my dues (in February) it was revealed we were playing in a city-wide co-ed league, in the C-division.

As I intended this team-thing to be about establishing better relationships with my coworkers, so maybe I wouldn't hate coming to work everyday, I plan on sticking out the season, but never fear, if it is as bad as it might be, a competitive league is the next step.


mance01 said...

I'm with Adina- that is the most ridiculous set of rules I've ever seen. Ba-loney.

eileen said...

Yeah, those rules are lame. I've played a variety of sports in many different co-ed leagues, and I prefer the only rule being X number of females have to be on the field. I once played in a soccer league that counted all goals scored by girls as 2 points. It was wicked dumb. We ended up playing only girls as forwards, and having girls take all the penalty kicks and direct shots. It totally changes the format of the sport, and no one liked it at all. Even worse, a co-ed basketball league that didn't allow men in the paint. Awful! We eneded up with the big guys would would normally play center or power forward trying to play point, and some tiny little girls who should have been guards trying to box out.

Well, just try to have fun with your unskilled team, and if it annoys you too much, quit and look for a more competitive option.