Thursday, April 19, 2007

Casting: A New Meme (sort of)

I'm inventing a new meme. This is what happens when creativity is clubbed to death like a pitiful baby seal on the ice floes of the Antarctic by poachers (here, represented by my constant work flow, and manager with a head cold).

It goes like this:

1. Think of a group of about eight people you know, friends, coworkers, aunts, uncles, and older cousins, whoever. Include yourself.

2. If you, as a group, were the cast of Lost, who would you be? Who's Jack? Locke? Claire? and why? Are the group of people that sit two rows over in your office the Others? Is your ex-Iraqi military friend Sayid - or is he really more of a Boone character, because he's sort of annoying and you wish you could just write him out of the show already. Are you Kate, because you're tough and running from the law - or are you Jack, because your father is an alcoholic?

3. If you don't watch Lost, substitute either, Heroes, if your friends can travel through time and turn invisible, Grey's Anatomy, if all you and your office mates do is hook up with each other and then whine about it, or 24, if any of your friends is an honest-to-goodness Jack Bauer caliber superhero.

That's it. Tada!

(Oh, also, if you don't watch Lost but are planning to in the future, just skip this post. I don't want to spoil anything for you.)

If My Group Of Blog Friends And I Crash Landed On A Mysterious Island Somewhere In The Pacific:

Me: I'd be Jack, obviously, since I am totally capable of using assorted pieces of plane fuselage to amputate limbs during emergency life-saving medical procedures. Also, I'd look badass with some tattoos, and I'm a natural leader. And also I loved Party of Five. If I can't be Jack I'd totally be Ben, that manipulative bastard.

Donny would be Locke. Donny's Boy Scout background gives him the outdoors edge, plus he's an introspective, meditative type of individual who ponders the big questions, like our man Locke. Donny's also got a shot at Tom as he's the only one that could grow the character's beard.

John, though, might also be Locke, as they share the same first name, and John once donated a kidney to his dad. Ok, I'm lying. John's also got a shot at Sayid, as he speaks two languages, but might have some trouble trying to pull of the bad-ass half of Sayid's character.

Adina is probably Sun, because they are both Korean. This would also, automatically, make Mr. Anonymous Jin, but that's a good fit. I'm certain Mr. Anon could catch fish for everybody and would look great in handcuffs. Alternately, Adina would be Hurley, as she'd be the first one to start hoarding rations.

Jackie gets to be Rouseau, the crazy woman who lives in the forest and shoots trespassers. That really seems like a perfect fit for the Baltimorean.

Samantha's medical background and OR experience put her in contention for the role of Jack, Juliette, or if she's not squeamish about torture, Sayid.

Felecia would be either Sun (a biology degree would help with the homeopathic cures) or Juliette (the experience with reproductive systems is a lock). Or, with her impending move to the other side of the country, possibly Michael.

Erin would almost definitely be Kate, because she's got the build for it, and she seems like she'd be dangerous holding a grudge. Erin's also got a shot at Charley, Desmond, or Jack's dad, for substance abuse, but the edge would got to drunky-drunk Desmond.

Jenny's Tom, the guy who's seemingly in charge until you figure out the big picture. Also possibly Sawyer, because she likes lots of stuff, and would make the smart play early and grab what she could - and they both wear glasses.

Jayne's Claire. Quiet, unassuming Claire, who's rarely heard from, but almost certainly has a bigger role to play in the future...

Lindsay is Shannon, who falls for the foreign tough guy, or more probably, Charley due to the loves-music thing. Lindsay probably wouldn't love Charley's music though. Except track #2 "A Monster Ate The Pilot."

Jane gets credit for being an observant reporter, like Mikhail, but seems more like one of the good guys just trying to figure stuff out. That seems to fit with Hurley a bit, once she wins the lottery. On the other hand, Jane's accent places her firmly in the Australian camp, which means she's Claire.

And, Eileen, a world traveller like Desmond. Likes soccer, sailing, and Charles Dickens, likes pushing buttons. Desmond to a tee.


If you were mentioned, consider yourself tagged.


Donny said...

Sometimes I think about how a character is like a person that I know. But I never force the people that I know into the characters that I watch. This is quite an extensive thought process.

Miss Lindsay Mak said...

I was unaware I liked tough guys.

Foreign though, yes.

And if foreign happens to be that dude who marries the sister in Bride and Prejudice - hell yes.

Well chosen... though, I can't help but notice Shannon's DEAD. Are you trying to tell me something here?

craziasian said...

i would definitely hoard rations. adina's got to eat.

Anonymous said...

I have never watched this show. Can we do 24? I want to be Chloe.

Anonymous said...

The way to go

Anonymous said...

I was sort of offended at first when I read I was Rousseau...but then I thought about your reasoning and I guess I have to say I would agree. Good work Tom!

Tom said...

Jackie, I was thinking you might also be Sun, what with the language thing, or possibly Charley, what with the guitar thing, or maybe even Sawyer, because you'd probably make a good con artist.

Though Juliette's dislocated shoulder might indicate you falling in with the Others.

But nobody else could have been Rouseau.

Tom said...

Special note:

It's a real shame Ray doesn't have a blog, he could single-handedly encompass Rouseah, Echo, Locke, Sun, Jin, Desmond, Hurley, and Sawyer.

craziasian said...

after actually watching the first couple of discs of Season 1 of Lost for the first time, I think it is safe to say that Hurley isn't really the hoarder. Sawyer is definitely the hoarder.

Also, fuck you for making your token asian woman friend the token asian woman on Lost.

eileen said...

Hah! Fun post. Although I haven't seen more than a few episodes, Desmond sounds about right.