Thursday, March 08, 2007

Drinking the Kool-Aid

I was going to write a post called "Drinking the Kool-Aid" early this week. I was going to go on and on about how much the new company seems "nice," and "happy," and "good." As opposed to all the previous companies I've worked for that are "bad," and "evil," and, (worst of all) "stupid."

But I didn't post about how great my job is. The two facts are related.

My "great" job has kept me at work until 6:15 three of four nights this week. Getting home a frustrating two hours later than usual is not conducive to flippant blog postings.

I have also been asked to come in Saturday to get an early jump on the mid-month trading deluge, which, I am told, can exceed 2,500 trades per section, per day. That is significantly more than the normal amount. About twelve times as much.

So, rather than spend twelve times as much time at work on Monday, I have elected, with three other members of our four member group, to come in on the weekend. Something I had sworn never to do.

Nine to six aren't the hours I signed on for. I agreed to work thirty-five hours a week, not forty-five plus.

Which is a shame, because for that week or so I enjoyed my job, I really thought it was possible to enjoy your job.



craziasian said...


Miss Lindsay Mak said...

You guys, hell finally froze over. Tom is doing work. Lots of work.