Friday, January 19, 2007

One Week's Notice

I've just given my notice and will be leaving this disorganized group of semi-professionals effective next Friday.

To commemorate, I am republishing the very first email exchange I received way back in May. Please enjoy.

From: Roger Daltree
To: All in Boston
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 14:43:58 2006
Subject: Changes to the email system

Some of you will have noticed a change in the email system over the last few days. We have removed the forward fill functionality in the To: and CC: fields when you compose an email.

This change was done as a risk mitigation procedure. In the past employees have inadvertently sent an email to the wrong address by using the forward fill functionality.

I realize this may cause an inconvenience to some but I believe the benefits and ability to reduce email sent inadvertently outweigh the inconvenience.

Roger Daltree
Head of Operations

From: Clark Svenson
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 6:38 PM
To: Roger Daltree; All in Boston
Subject: Re: Changes to the email system


Because a few of your people have made mistakes we have had had to have a unilateral change in our e-mail system is unbelivable. I am not sure if it occured to you but many e-mail users (like USP) that have mega high volumes have been negatively impacted by this change.
The fact that your folks don't check to whom they are sending a e-mail does not seem to me to be a good reason to make such a change. Did you even think to check what the impact would be on other departments/groups within this enterprise before you pushed for the change? What ever happened to checking with others that would be impacted before you push a change through?

It will cost other groups a considerable amount of time/money to comply with the change in procedure you initiated.

In the future, I would suggest that you consider the broader implications of changes to are not operating in a "mutual fund only" environment.


S. Clark Svenson
Executive Vice President

Yeah, Roger, what did ever happen to checking with others that would be impacted before you push a change through?



mance01 said...

Woo, new job! Also, it's too bad that instead of those two emailing each other they didn't just meet up in the hallway and beat the crap out of one another. That would have been awesome.

Donny said...

Tom, everytime you do this, Bush gets to chalk up one more "job created" due to his administration. Cut it out and stay in one place!

So, is this an actuarial consulting firm?

Tom said...

Actually, this job really was just created. They're not filling a vacant position, they magicked a team out of thin air and are actively staffing.

Also, it's a mutual fund accounting role, just like the last two, but, hopefully, nothing like the last two.


craziasian said...

hmm I wonder if tom is going to hate this new job like he hated his last two jobs. since this new job is just like the last two. hmmmm.

maybe mutual funds is not for you tom. just a thought.

eileen said...

Congratulations on giving notice!

I second the notion that maybe you should think about a career change. Maybe the cubicle life is not for you.