Friday, November 10, 2006

There will be WiFi access and an open bar at the reception...

Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the sign of Google - and in the presence of this company of sidebar hyperlinks - to join together this blogger and this livejournaler in holy wed-log; which is to be entered into reverently, discreetly, solemnly, and, in this case, anonymously. If any reader can show just cause why these two may not be wed, let them comment now, or forever hold their peace (comments will be closed after the ceremony).

Marriage is the union of husband and wife joined in mind, blog, and heart, and is intended for their mutual joy and google text ad revenue.

Through marriage this blogger, and this livejournaler, make a commitment to each other; to face server breakdowns, traffic spikes, digged entries, and beta testing; to love, honor, and blog about each other's every quirk, annoyance, silly games, petty hang-ups, and endearing qualities; to post mushy pictures of each other, pets, and children; and to share hosting costs.

We are here today - before Al Gore - inventor of the internet, because blogging is one of his most sacred wishes - to witness the joining in marriage of these two online personalities. This occasion marks the celebration of love, commitment, and a pooled reader base, in which these two begin their life together.

Do you, blogger, take this livejournaler, to love, cherish, read, comment, and link to, as newly published, and ancient archived, as long as you both shall blog?

And do you, livejournaler, take this blogger, to have and to hold, to photoblog, videoblog, mobileblog; through boring posts, and podcasting attempts,

Now it is time to exchange the passwords....

In as much as this blogger and this livejournaler have consented together in marriage in front of these online acquaintences, and have pledged their support and bandwidth to one another, they are now joined.

What, therefore, God has posted, let no man edit or delete.

Then, go forth, be fruitful and multiply page hits.

You may now publish.


mance01 said...

Joined together in holy blogimony. That's lovely. :-p

e$ said...

blogTrimony!!! THE T IS CRUCIAL!!!

Tom said...

right. "blogimony" is what gets paid after the divorce.

Tom said...

maybe thirty seconds to come up with it, five or six minutes to write it.
