Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It's merely a coincidence that my commitment to civic duty overrides my diligent work ethic

My precinct closes voting tonight at 8pm. I had planned on voting after work.

I was just informed by Lazy Manager that we "may be staying extra late tonight" in order to finish the monthyl reports for the client.

Fuck that noise. If I have to walk out of here in mid-sentence to get home in time, I'm voting.

I'm just letting you all know.



Hooker said...

how'd it go?

Tom said...

I said to my manager "So, once the client approves the part of the fund you're working on, that you already sent them, then we can work on my part of the fund, right? So, they may or may not get back to us today before...? eight? midnight?"

and he said

"Oh, no. I didn't send them the fund yet. I'm going to be here late because I'm working on my half."

THEN WHY THE HELL AM I STILL HERE?! (I wanted to scream)(instead I stood there silently, patiently and he continued)

"Yeah, you should just go home. We won't be able to work on your half of it tonight. Why did you even stick around this long?"

At which point I turned and walked away, left the building, and voted.
