Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Navigating the internet at work instead of flickr I ran across this message:

Websense Enterprise

Your organization's Internet use policy restricts access to this web page at this time.

The Websense category "Personal Network Storage and Backup" is filtered.


YouTube is blocked too. I'll be starting a web-canvas to see what else I can find. Or not find.

Meantime, what does "personal network storage and backup" mean? A site I can upload and store things... like pictures? Like when I upload and store images for intransitivity on

Because if blogger gets blocked I don't care what sort of Free Soft Drink Policy they put in place. There's nothing that will keep me here.


btw, accessing myspace is still no problem.


Anonymous said...

Hi, read you on the Randomizer today. My favorite radio feed was cut off this week. Boo Hoo! Why can't we have the little things that make life fun?

Anonymous said...

i really like the title of this post.

Tom said...

Thanks. I was going to go with "Cock Blockr" but didn't have any sort of justifiable excuse, as the content of the post has no relevance.

But almost. Because it would have been hilarious.


Anonymous said...

That was one of the top reasons I left my last company. They blocked ALL internet. And hello? I'm in marketing and design. You can't function without internet.

I complained so they offered it up - still filtered - for ONE HOUR A DAY.

I couldnt get any work done. so I left.

Tom said...

A little while back Comcast and Google had a little spat and no one (including me) in the Northeast could access blogger, gmail, etc.

Which meant I didn't have access to gmail chat.

I commented to a coworker that this is why I quit my last job. If I can't IM, I'm out.
