Thursday, October 12, 2006

Faking It

I'm doing my best to feign sickness. I've asked twice for ibuprofen, complained about feeling cold and "feverish," I'm keeping my head down on my desk, and moving slowly, and only when necessary. Luckily, my nervousness is doing wonders for my fake shivering.

If they buy it, it means I'm home free (more precisely: vacation free). Hit the T to the airport by noon, back by Tuesday morning as if returned from the lip of the grave. "Had to stay out Monday because my doctor said I was still contagious. And believe me, I wouldn't wish what I had on any of you."

If they buy it I'm going to be "sick" every other weekend.



Anonymous said...

Good strategy. Let me know if it works.

e$ said...

that is awesome. I'm totally using that for my trip to DC next month.

Hooker said...

god speed. take a pencil and color a large part of a piece of paper and scoop up the graphite dust on your fingers. give yourself some dark circles.

extreme, yes. but effective as hell.

Tom said...

They bought it. The responses I got from the Romanian kid, the big black guy, the "fashionable" kid, VP, and the secretary, in order are:

"Are you sick? Maybe you should go home."

"Yo, you sick? You want some chicken soup? I've got some right-- HA. No I don't, I'm just messin' with you."

"Yeah man, you look like shit."

"Sick, ya, a flu or something? Going home? Ya."

"You're going home sick. Yeah, I could tell just by looking at you you didin't feel good. Don't come back until you feel better, ok, hun?"


Donny said...

That's why we call you "slick", slick.