Thursday, September 28, 2006

No, not a rocketship, a Roman candle

It's three o'clock. I'm trying to tie out the nightmare fund. I'd emailed our client and asked for their trade file for the month to double check it against ours. That was at noon.

At two o'clock he emailed the trade file to my manager, who forwarded it to me. It was for the wrong fund. I emailed him back asking for the correct fund. I'm still waiting.

This is the third email I've sent to the client directly that hasn't gotten a response. I'm starting to suspect that he has blocked all emails from my address. If that is the case it will be very difficult to work with him.

Communication, after all, is key to a successful relationship.

In other news I've been assigned a new fund. This brings my total up to three: The nightmare fund, which has never tied out; The easy fund, which sort of ties out sometimes, because I inherited a variance of $152.67, so to tie out I need to make my number exactly that much lower than the client's; and this new fund, which I was assigned on Monday, and have yet to receive any training on.

For those of you keeping track, that is
# of funds responsible for = 3
# of funds trained to process = 0

I am on a rocketship ride up the corporate ladder.

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