Thursday, August 31, 2006

Returned: Undeliverable

Dear Blogger,

It's been a while since we've talked, I mean really sat down and had a heart-to-heart. I know it's hard to get together, because I'm stuck here in Boston, and your servers are way out in California, so I thought I'd write, to keep you up to date with what's been going on here.

There have been many many changes since my last letter, Blogger, some good, some bad, some big, some small.

I've lost a lot of friends to relocation: Donny moved to Milwaukee, Adina and Dan moved to Philadelphia, Jackie and Steve are in Baltimore, Kat is home in New Jersey and ignoring her livejournal, John moved to some other country, Beth stopped returning phone calls, the list goes on...

I've also found a lot of new friends! There's Samantha, who lives in Alabama but comes to visit a lot, and then loads of new internet friends that I've never met! Like Erin, Sarah, Maggie, Matthew, Jason, pbr, Jenny, God, Dave, and more!

There are also some friends who stuck around, Tom and Maureen, Lindsay, Felecia, Tyler, and one friend who used to live way far away in Japan, but now only lives a little far away in Indianna, Laura.

I bought a new couch since the last time we spoke. It's giant, and plaid, and it reclines. I like it a lot. I've got it up in my room right in front of the television. It's a great place to watch the Red Sox, even when they're losing, and to play video games, even when I'm losing.

I also got a new job! It's very frustrating, because I've been here a long time but still don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. It seems like a high-pressure environment, and I think I could thrive here if I could just get some decent training, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Don't worry, though, Blogger, I'm not thinking about going back to that other job. I've resolved to never work with stupid people again.

I'm thinking about moving out (again). I know, I know, it seems like every time I mention moving, or renting a place, or finding roommates it never happens, and who can say if this time will be any different? I just thought I should mention it so it doesn't come as a surprise if it really does happen.

I think I'm getting shorter too. The last time I measured myself I was just a little bit over 6'1" which is almost a whole inch less than my height in college! Is this the weight of the world bearing down on me? Is it the beginings of osteoporosis due to a lack of calcium in my diet? Or is it the dilapidated chair I spend eight hours a day in at work messing with my lower back? I can't say for sure.

I think you'll be very pleased to know that I've cut down drastically on my spending habits. There was a time when I would not even blink at dropping upwards of one hundred dollars on books, or movies, or comics, but now I can tell you that I can't remember the last time a media purchase was over twenty bucks! I am still spending a little, though, Blogger, a holdover from my spendthrift days, I'm sure. I try now, though, to stretch those purchases. For example, the video game I just bought? It's supposed to take over forty hours to complete. That's a month or more of diversion for only fifteen dollars! And the last book I bought was War and Peace which took me forever to finish.

Speaking of books, right now I've got a great lineup waiting for me. I'm reading an Orson Scott Card novel right now, after that it's going to be either American Gods, or The Time Traveller's Wife, and then on to A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius. Then I'm thinking about picking up another Tom Robbins novel.

I've drastically cut down my television watching time too, since last we spoke. I'm now only a slave to Lost, Psych, Monk, and The 4400. Also, Rescue Me, and The Shield, but not as much. There just isn't enough time in the day to see all I'd like to see, read all I'd like to read, do everything I'd like to do.

But that's ok, that's why there's "tomorrow," right? Right. I knew you'd agree.

Wow. I just looked back over this letter and realized it's a lot longer than I'd intended it to be. I guess I'll sum it all up by saying that I'm still doing well. Old friends, new friends, hated the old job, hating the new job (not quite as much), and pretty much the same as the last time you saw me.

I hope you're doing well, and handling your increased workload. You certainly don't seem any worse for wear!

Thinking of you,



mance01 said...

You're not shrinking :-p And you should read the books I brought you first, because I want them back. Actually, I just really want "The Time-Traveler's Wife" back. I love that book. :)

Sarah said...

I'm so happy to be listed as an Internet friend! This letter was kind of like Dear God, It's Me Margaret style which is effing awesome. You're not shrinking. It's just the man beating you down.

10/4. Lost premiere. Bring it.

Miss Lindsay Mak said...

Seriously thinking of moving out? Or thinking of apartment shopping and that's it? :)

By the way, I have a blog. WTF for not giving me a link?