Thursday, August 31, 2006

If I've learned anything from the Star Wars movies it's this: "There is no try." And if I've learned anything from this new job it's "There is no do."

There's nothing I can do.

Truer words were never spoken. I sit here at my desk for days, weeks, and do nothing, because there is nothing I have the ability to do.

I think this must be what it's like to be an infant. I can imagine eyes opening to the world, the first glimpse of light, and then color, smelling smells for the first time, realizing you can smell, and taste, and touch.

And then thinking "Ok. Now what?"

There are people standing over you. They're expecting something. They're expecting it from you. They want you to do something. What?

You don't know. You don't even know that you can do anything. The only thing you know for sure is that you are. "I exist," is what you think to yourself.

Maybe they want you to smile, or to cry, or to kick your legs. But you don't even know that there are things called legs, or that you have them, or that by relaxing or contracting your muscles (still another thing you don't know you have) you can control these "legs."

What's a boy to do?

I tell you what. If you're the infant you fall into default mode. A vast majority of the time you just tell your body to "Do. Do something."

And, because our bodies are pretty magnificent things, even (especially?) when our brains aren't getting in the way, your body does. Just lets it all out, everything. And boy do you scream.

That's the "default" setting on a baby. Scream.

It's simple, you don't need to control or concentrate, just do. And then, once you've established that there are "things," and that those things can be "done," the sky's the limit. From here on out it's all about testing, questing, pushing the limits.
"These are legs? Ok, let's see if I can do something with them." Wallking.
"These are hands? What can they do?" Grabbing, pushing, pulling...hands can do anything.
"This is a "cat"? Well, it doesn't do very much...maybe I can use my hands..." Which is why babies love cats, and cats hate babies.

It starts with the one thought, "Do." And you just fall into default mode.

But what's the default mode on a fund accountant?


mance01 said...

The default mode is to start fund accounting. I think you should start booking stuff left and right, not knowing what you're doing. Sure, you might lose millions of dollars for the company, but I bet they start teaching you the right way to do your job. Well. That or they fire you. :-p

mance01 said...

Homer: Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try.

Anonymous said...

The default mode is blogging.