Tuesday, June 20, 2006

In the interest of interesting reading

I read a ton of blogs in the morning. I get to work, open my email, then start clicking links.

After a while I start to thinkg "I enjoy reading these, I should update my own blog so that others can enjoy reading it."

Then I try for three hours to come up with something to say. Usually I end up talking about how bad my posts have been lately, or my beard, or how good I look (usually the beard posts do not coincide with the looking good posts).

So today, after staring at my screen trying to unsuccessfully exercise the creative/witty/cohesive-narration part of my brain I realized this:

In order to write a good post I should take some time each day to reflect on life; the important things, the not so important things, and the really important things that don't seem very important at the time but upon further consideration reveal themselves - the sheep in wolf's clothing of things - or is it wolf in sheep's clothing? I don't know analogies.

Then I realized that the only things I have to reflect on are (1) work, (2) sitting around at home watching television, or (3) last night's main event: sitting around watching the dog sitting around staring at the clock.

Really. She was fascinated by the second hand.

So, unless I experience some spontaneous burst of creativity, inner-sight, or a cocaine habit, you can expect more of the same.

Maybe later I'll write about something exciting, like punctuation.


recommended download:
The Ike Reilly Assassination, I Don't Want What You Got (Goin' On)


e$ said...

see, now you're resorting to blog-related drug abuse too. I can TOTALLY get behind *that*.

Tom said...

It's no lie. You've inspired me. And by "inspired" I mean "I totally stole that straight from the e$ style journal"

Next up is mescaline, because it's featured in The Matrix.