Monday, May 15, 2006

Nothing for me to do

I've been sleeping until noon for almost two weeks straight. Getting up at six-thirty fo rhte first day of the new job was a terrible idea.

A necessary idea, because showing up two hours late to the new job on the first day is a more terrible idea.

So I got up at six-thirty (but actually hit the snooze until seven-fifteen). I showered, I stumbled out the door.

There was nothing for me to do at the office. Apparently they are very busy the first five days of the month, otherwise there is only a little bit of work to be done on a day-to-day basis.

Today, being the exact middle of the month, was very slow. There was nothing for the regular employees to do, nevermind me, the guy who doesn't even know how to do anything yet because they've scheduled my training session for their accounting software for monday and tuesday of next week.

I have a week to do nothing.

I can't even cruise the internet because I don't have a system password yet.

So I'm supposed to sit with the one guy in the group that actually does have something to do. It's very boring, he doesn't talk much, and when he does talk he takes his time. Like, seven minutes between each word.

It's early, I've woken way sooner today than I have in the last fortnight. There's nothing to do. He's not a conversationalist. It's quiet in the office. (Super quiet).

So, ok, I may have drifted off while sitting there in this guy's cube while I'm supposed to be learning. And by "drifted off" I mean "fell asleep with my head in my hands."

They let me leave at two-thirty.



mance01 said...

Woo leaving early!! I tried to do that, but actually had work to do. Go fig. :-p

Anonymous said...

Where do you find these jobs tom.

Tom said...

seriously? they found me.

Anonymous said...

I hate you. Officially.

Anonymous said...

...untill I'm drunk and want to make out with you.

Anonymous said...

Wow, not-really-me. Wow. It wasn't me, it was New Years.

...and does no one else remember that I am not the only person who kissed Tom that night? No one!?

Anonymous said...

ah but no one has pictures of anyone but you kissing him, so it is burned in our memory forever.