Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I just reread the two previous posts that mention last Friday night. They share a few details in common.

1. I was never without a Guiness in my hand
2. I remember little past the Red Sox fourth inning
3. The Red Sox game went to thirteen innings

These are the details drunks cling to. They point and say "See! There! I wasn't blacked out! I can remember things!"

Those two posts read like police statements made by two people who got their lies straight before being questioned.

"And then what happened?"
"Oh..um, then I had a Guiness"
"What time was this?"
"The fourth inning. I remember very clearly it was the fourth inning."
"What time did you leave the bar?"
"I don't remember what time it was. It was at the end of the game. The thirteenth inning."

Rereading those posts convinces me I remember even less than I thought I did.


Anonymous said...

i don't understand why you posted about the night three times. it would have been different if you had told us a different story each post, but it seemed like they were just 1st and 2nd and 3rd drafts of the same post. you must still be hungover.

Tom said...

blogger ate the posts, so I rewrote them. after publishing the final post it published all three.

I would rather have more documentation than less.

also, I do not, unlike homestarrunner (BUH-LETED!), like deleting things

p.s. yesterday you asked me to post three times. today you said posting three times is too many. quit griping.

(hey, everybody, jump on the "quit griping, adina" bandwagon!)

e$ said...

I hate when blogger does crap like that. But I love the stories. And I hate the kid that you hate. He totally sucks.

Anonymous said...

hey tom, do you remember what happened after the 4th inning of the red sox game?

Tom said...

no, not really, no.