Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Location, location, location

I don’t like my new spot. I feel like I’m out in the open, I feel exposed. I feel like I can’t stroll over to a coworker’s cubicle and shoot the breeze with them for fear of being overheard. Not that I would do that, I hate my coworkers.

More foot traffic, a more open and accessible floor plan. I don’t like it. Give me back my old little corner of the office, where I can slack off in relative peace with only the few interruptions from the stupid kid. Well, no, don’t give that back.

I feel like I’m on display, performing for anyone who cares to walk by. I’m front row, center along the shortest path to the printers for half of the office. AIM, blogger – things of the past?

We’ll have to see how it goes.



Anonymous said...

"I feel like I can’t stroll over to a coworker’s cubicle and shoot the breeze with them for fear of being overheard. Not that I would do that, I hate my coworkers."

This line totally made me laugh out loud. I feel your pain, Tom. Not right this minute, but in general.

Anonymous said...

Do you think that your secret bloggin-AIM activities were suspected by management (or floor-plan-maker-people) and you were put in this new location for a reason? Not to add paranoia to your current discomfort, but its something worth thinking about.

Maybe this new move is further impetus to find a new job. Good luck searching for one at the new desk.

And now for something constructive: Any way to configure your chair and/or monitor such that it may cut down on public view of computer activity? A tilt of the monitor or re-angling your chair can isolate the screen or at least let you know who is coming, and when.

Best of luck. I greatly look forward to our office move next month, where I am told an office is waiting for me. Sionara, cubicle!

Anonymous said...

KT - you really need a blog.

Donny said...

Don't worry, Adina. I'll work on one for her this weekend. It'll rock.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if "you really need a blog" is a compliment or not. I'm still against the idea. Can't talk about work (WON'T talk about work), can't talk about the roomate (because if he EVER found out, he would seriously attempt to sue me), can't talk about cool social life (don't have one). That leaves ramblings and mind-numbing daily goings-on (exhibit A: Tom's blog*). I consider myself more of a conversationalist, wherein a subject is started by the blogger and others chime in with advice, comments, retorts and remarks. That is my comfort zone. Its optional, not too time-consuming, very little personal responsibility involved. Besides....what if no one reads my blog?? Or worse, if people read my blog and only comment to tell me it sucks (exhibit B: Tom's blog*)? I don't know if I have the emotional fortitude to withstand the potential beatings. Moreover, how is a girl who is supposed to bill her entire day down to 6 minute incriments going to write off an hour a day to BLOG POSTING?? Unless Blog is the name of a client I don't know about, there might be a personal/professional conflict of interest here.

*Just kidding, Tom! Only, not really. But haha we're still friends, right?

Tom said...

KT, KT, KT. You indeed have much to learn about hiding online activities from coworkers and supervisors. Tilting montiors? Rearranging chairs? Kids stuff. Were you really under the belief that I haven't already factored all that in to the layout of my desk?

As far as paranoia, it's non-exisent. A piece of me would love to get caught, and fired for it, so that I can rant and rave about the job, and maybe throw a punch at my boss. Sort of a "you're firing me because I do my job and then kill time online, but the kid who can't even tie his own shoes still works here?!" then as he starts to reply, a belt in the mouth.

Tilt the monitor. Ha.


Tom said...

Also, some of my readers have been urging you to get a blog so they can make fun of how much it sucks. They believe that you need to feel the sting of criticism before you dole it out. As one of my readers put it "KT just pops up to tell you how much your posts suck, let's see her try to keep a blog or lj topical, regularly updated, and entertaining."

You know what they say KT, before you criticize, walk a mile in their shoes. (I'm skipping the punchline)

Anyway. Do what you want. I don't give any weight to your excuses, especially the "bill to six minute increments." Everyone has blogging time, you just haven't chosen to exercise it.

And as far as your comfort zone, that's fine too. But it wouldn't hurt to say something nice every once in a while.

Anonymous said...

You don't have crummy hair (how's that for nice?).

I believe the readers mentioned in your previous post are fictitious.

Anonymous said...

to quote simon cowell:

"you're useless, I'm bored - that's it."

Anonymous said...

to properly quote simon cowell:

"you're worthless, i'm bored - that's it."

Anonymous said...

No, he definitely said useless. I know my Idol.

Tom said...

PLEASE do not quote idol. I hate that show.

It is a good quote though.

Also, "you don't have crummy hair" isn't really a nice thing to's something that's not mean.

Also, KT, the readers aren't ficticious, but I had chosen to keep them anonymous so you wouldn't lash out at them too.

(Adina and Donny).


Anonymous said...

A number 1: I didn't quote American Idol. I only corrected Anonymous #2's supposed correction.

B number 2: it is a good show, but only in the very beginning and the very end.

C number 3: can't start a letter/number list without having 3 points. Just go with it.

Tom said...

A. ok, thank you for the clarification, my ire at quoting american idol was directed solely at the anonymous commentor (way to leave a name anon) and not at felecia.

2. I believe you. the begining and end must be the only parts without that seacrest guy and that english guy and those other two judges, and also the parts without any singing, right? basically the theme music and the end credits. I can get behind that.

D. this list was not only three items long, but a home alone homage. three cheers for chris colombus

Anonymous said...

Adina and Donny S U C K !!!


Anonymous said...

It's ok, i'm still irate with you.

And PS I was right.

Donny said...

I got the Home Alone reference without being prompted. However, I still don't know why I was pulled into this discussion. I don't suck. And I still don't understand the pirate/steering wheel joke from a previous post.

Anonymous said...

You don't suck.

I missed the Home Alone reference.

The pirate thing was, like, a pirate has a steering wheel sticking out of his pants, and he says "they're drivin me nuts" cuz, you know, thats how pirates talk. Its a very, very, very poor joke. Not unlike the Rated "Aaargg!" pirate movie joke that happens to be my favorite joke in the whole wide world.

Did you hear about the new pirate movie? ... It's rated AaarRGg!!


Tom said...

ok, somebody please comment on how lame that last comment was.

please. something stinging and harsh, like KT's usual comments.

go ahead. open season here.

f- you were right about what? the american idol quote? I believe you.

Tom said...

wait, unless 78 isn't f, but someone else who is pissed at me.

well, whatever. if you two have to duke it out over the simon quote go for it. I'm just honored to be nominated.

Anonymous said...

Ok Tom. I'm neither 78 nor anonymous. I'm also not irate. Irritated, perhaps, but that is just a normal part of the tedious yet fascinating process of scientific discovery. Not unlike the wonderous world of mutual funds!

Question - I thought you had some way of identifying commenters anyway, maybe IP address tracking or some counter thing? You should get on that.

Anonymous said...

I just posted this amazing comment but BLOGGER rejected it. Bastard!

I'm not 78.
I'm not anonymous.
I'm not irate.

The end.


Anonymous said...

Ok, and now I've just left you 3. GO AHEAD RIDICULE ME.

Tom said...

I wouldn't dream of ridiculing you. Everybody gets burned by blogger once-in-a-while.

Also, as far as IP addresses go and stuff, fuck that noise, way too much work. Easier for me if the commentors throw their name or initials or whatever in.

You know, or identify themselves in their third consecutive comment.

Also, I just figured out who 78 was. Way to stick it to the man 78.


Anonymous said...

i guess 78 starts with an A and ends with an ina with d in the middle


Donny said...

I'm never anonymous, unless it's clear who I am through a Milwaukee reference, a Moscow story, or anything Latin.

Anonymous said...

i don't know how i got dragged into this. i am not 78. i have not posted since i told KT that she needs a blog. which i believe stands true.

KT, you do need a blog. of course, if you're going to make driving me nuts jokes on your blog, then maybe it IS best for everyone if you don't have one.

for the rest of you, i couldn't follow what was going on because (a) i don't watch idol (b) i never anon post because i know how much i hate it on my blog (c) i skimmed all the posts.