Thursday, December 08, 2005

Sans Serif

Alright. I’ve picked a new font. Comic Sans MS is entirely appropriate.

Also, everybody who isn’t Donny should ignore the “Transform” post. Anybody that wants to reread “Cobra Christmas” should.

These next few days posts may be a little different; I’ll be trying to impress some new readers. And I’m staying away from work related posts because many of you have made it very clear you just skip those posts all together.

Which, I suppose doesn’t leave me with much material, but I’m sure I’ll think of something… Or I’ll talk some more about me as a seven year old.



Donny said...

I had trouble following that sentence. Am I supposed to ignore the Transformers post? Because it's too late; I already read it.

Tom said...

You should read the "transform" post. It was written in response to your comment on "little green men." I would have included it in the comment thread, but I try to avoid leaving hyperlinks in comments; they look too much like spam.