Friday, December 16, 2005

Absent without leave

I didn’t go to the holiday party. I spent all day yesterday debating the issue. By the end of the ay I was looking at two options: (1) go home and chat online with people and watch Arrested Development on DVD; or (2) go to the holiday party so I had some material for the blog, presumably for an “I hate my job” post.

At no time did I think about attending the party because I wanted to participate in holiday cheer or foster friendliness and goodwill among my coworkers.

So I didn’t go, but two points of note:
(1) the quiet girl, Shannon, who never goes out with the group for people’s last day, who only communicates with the group through email, even though she sits right in the middle of our cubes, and who drinks a diet coke for breakfast everyday, went to the party.
(2) They just announced the raffle prizes by email. Last year’s highlights included: three ipods, two ipod shuffles, and box seats for a Boston Bruins/Montreal Canadiens game at the Fleet Center. This year the prizes awarded were:
     Starbucks gift cards (2)
     Dunkin Donuts gift cards (4)
     Movie passes (1)
     Sebastians gift cards (2)
     CVS gift cards (2)
     Bath and Body Works gift cards (2)
     Stop and Shop gift cards (2)
     QDoba gift cards (2)
     Variety restaurants gift cards (3)
     Providence Bruins tickets (2)
     Macy’s gift card (1)

The Providence Bruins tickets, which are the only raffle item I was slightly impressed by, were donated by a manager who lives in Providence and has season tickets who can’t go to that game because he’ll be on a ski weekend in Vermont.

So I’m glad I didn’t go.
Stupid pilgrims.

recommended download:
Bob Dylan, The Times They Are A’Changing


Anonymous said...

You chose to stay home and watch tv over going to your firm holiday party with free food, drinks, and prizes? I cant figure any sort of rationale for that. If nothing else, you should just take the opportunity to get out of the house. You're a weirdo.

Tom said...

the "free food" was potato skins and scallops wrapped in bacon.

the "free drinks" were not free, it was (as always) a "cash bar"

and the prizes (as I tried to illustrate here) were "lame"

I get out of the house plenty on my own, forgive me for not looking forward to a trip to a local bar to join people I hate to pay full price for booze only to end in a late-night train ride and short walk home in twenty degree weather with a wind chill of minus two.

I spend my nights out with people I like, which is how I like it.

also, there is nothing wrong NOTHING WRONG with staying home if Arrested Development is the reason. That show is better than the Gilmore Girls (that's right I said it. what. how many emmy's did GG win? eh? eh? that's what I thought.)

finally, KT, just to clarify, I was trying to demonstrate the un-desirablity of this holiday party by comparing it to a night at home in front of the computer. The computer would be more fun - that's how lame this "party" was.

Anonymous said...

i wouldn't normally say this, but tom you're right. arrested development is probably a better quality show than gg. i have watched all available arrested development seasons on DVD (i love you netflix with the passion of a thousand horny monkies). BUT that doesn't take away from my ABSOLUTE DEVOTION TO GG. i am mid-season 5 (which i know you know got released on tuesday) and i am just so happy. so happy.

Tom said...

oh, no, of course not. not to take anything away from GG (what could we take away? their emmy? ha!...maybe we could take away the hat. the awful awful hat. because it is damn awful)

anyway, I only watch scattered reruns on abc family, not being as devoted as the rest of you. but, speaking of GG and devotion, I commented on another blog out there in the blogosphere and in the comment referenced GG... the phrase was something like "if you want to talk about cults just try insulting the gilmore girls. that show's got a following that would rival scientology"

which I thought was funny.

PS kt, I hope that comment wasn't too harsh...I just hate everybody. if you've got some time try finding the "booze cruise" post...or the one from last year's holiday party (areound 12/12/04 I think)

Donny said...


Though I love the imagery.

Anonymous said...

really? monkeys?

Anonymous said...

Unless there is an inside joke that I am missing, the plural for "monkey" is - in fact - "monkeys" as Donny's correction indicates. For reference, please see

Dear Tom,
Your response was too long, I didnt read it.

Anonymous said...

My apartment community had a Christmas party tonight, but like you, Tom, I didn't go because I hate everyone. I was afraid I'd have a few drinks and then when the property manager came I'd do something that would get me arrested for felony assault. I'm going to stay home alone and watch TV too.

Hey, P.S., Tom, do you watch "the Office?" I LOVE that show. The character Jim reminds me of you. You should take that as a compliment. Except the guy's name shouldn't be Jim. It should be Chris or something. Or Tom, maybe.

mance01 said...

If you like "Jim", you're watching the wrong version. The original British version of "The Office" with "Tim" is infinitely better than its American knock-off. Check it out :)

Donny said...

I went to my apartment complex's holiday party this year and was stuck talking to Shirley about her gay, latino parakeet for about 20 minutes. She did impersonations of it. I also met a guy who, despite my corrections, insists that my name is "Donovan".