Monday, December 19, 2005

Wherein we turn to Mickey Mouse carpentry for the sake of a good night's sleep:

Last night, about midnight, as I was in the living room with Joey and Timmy watching a movie, something crashed against the house. All three of us jumped up to find out what it was. We opened the front door and turned on the lights and couldn’t discover anything. As we stepped back into the house my dad called us from upstairs.
“Tommy, Joey, come up here…and bring my electric drill.”

The crash we heard, as it turns out, was Danny, through no fault of his own, falling out of bed. As he slept the frame holding his box spring and mattress separated from the headboard and sent it all to the floor.

It was late, all we needed was a temporary solution to fix it for the night. In these instances we defer to Dad’s judgment, impaired as it may be by being woken from a sound sleep, and he decided to screw the frame back together.

So, with two inch wood screws Joey drilled a couple holes through the frame and we reset the box spring and mattress and everybody who was in bed went back to bed and everyone who was watching the movie went back to watching the movie.

Then, just after the movie ended about half an hour later the bed fall apart again.

Again, we defer to Dad’s judgment. This time we used bigger screws.

Well, it was quite the adventure, and tonight when I get back from work we’re going to take a serious look at this bed frame and figure out exactly what broke and who we’re going to blame it on (Danny).

Thank goodness he sleeps on the bottom bunk.


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