Monday, November 14, 2005

A good way to end a bad weekend

Today started with lots of promise. I woke up relaxed and refreshed. I made it to work on time (in fact, I was three minutes early).

But, as I waited for my computer to boot up, the first thing to greet me this morning was the stupid kid.

Honestly? I’d forgotten about him. A whole weekend spent thinking of fun things to do, and doing them, and hanging out with friends, and planning for BIG DRIVE OH FIVE, I’d forgotten all about the stupid kid and hypermanager and the whole bunch.

He didn’t even let me check my email before ruining my day.

recommended download:
The Old 97’s, Valentine


Tom said...

to anon: it wasn't a bad weekend, but "good weekend" would not have worked as nicely in the title.

Donny said...

Do we get updates on the weekend? I was sitting at dinner with my parents in Milwaukee and thinking about the fun I was missing in Boston.

Tom said...

I would post, but I'm swamped, and then I'll be in milwaukee, and when I get back it will be old news, and nothing phenomenal happened, so unless I get super bored at work someday you might never hear a word about the party on this blog.

but john might say something.
and felicity has pictures.