Wednesday, October 05, 2005

So, this one time, it was my fault

I just handed in my budget. I did the wrong one. This budget, that I’ve been killing myself on these past two days, and had three repostings, is due on the tenth.

I am now going to start the budget I was supposed hand this morning at 9AM. It will be a little later than that.



Johnny Sapphire said...

shit, man. that sucks.

nobody's too pissed off, right?

Tom said...

about what? I'm the most productive guy they've hired in years. the very fact that I can do a budget without asking a question every five minutes makes me more valuable to the group than my weight in gold (a paltry sum mabye...)

the only one who was pissed, was me. well, I'd be upset if I hadn't gotten a good night's sleep. but I did. So I'm my happy go-lucky self again.