Thursday, October 27, 2005

Decisions, decisions

You know, I think I’m waiting for someone to catch me online, or on AIM, while I’m at work. I may be subconsciously setting myself up for a fall – because I’m lazy.

I’m all about easy. I like making as few decisions, taking as little action, as possible. Right now, getting fired would make things easy. I wouldn’t have to think about when to update my resume, if I should start looking for another job, or stick with this one, if I should kill myself for another promotion or just sit back. If I get fired, I’d have to get another job, the decision would be made for me.

That’s what I’m about: Taking steps now to reduce the number or scope of future decisions. Proper planning is the key to happiness.

It’s how I approach every aspect of my life. I anticipate as many possibilities as I can that stem from a given situation. I then formulate a plan of action (or inaction) designed to set me on the path to the best of those possible outcomes.

It’s worked so far, mostly.

recommended download:
Matt Nathanson, Car Crash


Donny said...

While thinking about resumes you may want to think about how you'll state your being fired on them in a positive light.

Tom said...

I wasn't fired, "Management was restructured."