Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The best things in life are Wine, Women, and Song

I am bored at work. I also have more work to do now than I ever have before. This incongruous situation arises because the work I need to get done, all of it, needs to get done before noon.

First, there is the tying out of the funds, and the trouble-shooting thereof, for which I am responsible. On a good day I don’t even see this stuff, everything ties. On a bad day it could eat up two hours of my morning. (that’s 10AM-12PM).

Second, there is the inputting data to the website. This is easy and tedious, and takes fifteen minutes, never changing.

Third, there are the rates. On a good day it will take half an hour, on a bad day it will take an hour forty-five. Most days it comes out to about forty minutes.

Just accounting for those three tasks, on a normal day, I am left with about half an hour before noontime.

Then, there are the adjustments.

Every fund gets paid interest on the securities held. Our daily job is to verify things are set up correctly in the system so that they pay correctly down the line. When things are not set up correctly, we take adjustments.

Sometimes rates are bad, that’s mostly my fault, and it mostly doesn’t happen. That’s also an easy adjustment to research and fix.

Sometimes something else is wrong, and what is it? We have no idea. It’s the other side’s job to book things right, and then to worry about things that aren’t paying correctly. They never do.

I’ve got the kid who talks to his plants over at my desk at least three times a week with adjustments. It is his job to research these trades and figure out why they are paying differently. Once accomplished he is then supposed to come over to me, say “these are paying wrong, this is why” This is what he never does.

He does not research. I do. I wouldn’t trust his research anyway, I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him. He books trades wrong. They pay wrong. He doesn’t research them. He doesn’t fix them. The worse he is at his job, the more he slacks off or talks to his plants, the more adjustments and research he creates, for me.

So I am sitting here. With pages of adjustments that need to be made to funds, and not doing anything. I have tons of work to do, and I can’t do any of it.

So tomorrow, if I get slammed with rates, the adjustments will have to wait. But they can’t wait too long, or the clients get upset (as they should). If they just booked the stupid trades properly the first time around we would never take any adjustments.


recommended download:
Flogging Molly, Every Dog Has His Day

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