Wednesday, September 07, 2005

What to post when your mind fails:

So I had this really great post, and I totally forgot what it was. So I sat here for like three hours hoping it would come back to me. And it hasn't.

Then it occurred to me to post something about work, since, after all, I'm sitting here not doing any. Hence:

BOAT TRIP! or, as some prefer BOOZE CRUISE!

We're going out to get sloshed with the office again. And boy am I excited. Because this time, it's on a boat.

My manager set up the whole thing. He was all "the company should pay for a booze cruise" and somebody else was like, "just set it up and then go to the VP and be like, here, it's set up, now pay for it, and they will" and they did. I'm sometimes amazed how efficient corporate america can be (when it comes to drinking, obviously, not to any other stuff).

But the big news is that I got a look at the ticket request sheet. And I can tell you two things. First, that the oafish manager that I think is dating the pretty girl is going.
Second, that the pretty girl requested a ticket for herself, plus one. Plus one.

Now, there are a few conclusions, or suppositions, that can be drawn from that. We can base one conclusion on my earlier assumption that oaf manager and the pretty girl are going out: They requested three tickets for two people because they can't count. Or, we can infer, from the number of tickets purchased that the pretty girl has someone she'd like to bring on the booze cruise who doesn't work here, and thus couldn't get their own ticket. And who might that be?

Currently in the running are
a) a roommate. it's possible she likes to hang out/party with her roommates, maybe one who likes the water. maybe she's bringing the roommate along to introduce her to a guy at work, maybe the pretty girl is playing matchmaker...

b) a boyfriend. maybe she's dating someone who isn't the oafish manager. that would make my day. and also ruin my day a little bit, because, hey, what about me? right? but, maybe she's bringing the boyfriend so when drunken coworkers come up to her and say things like "hey, I would like to ask you out" she can say "oh, but I have a boyfriend now. and here he is." and then have the boyfriend show up and maybe throw the coworker overboard.

I'm just saying, it's a possibility.

Not that it's a big deal, the pretty girl and me? Probably won't ever happen. Nevermind that I may or may not be hung up on some other girl now, who I may or may not have been hung up way back before too. But let's focus here. This isn't about the girl I happen to have a crush on right at this moment in time and whether or not I'll get up the guts to ask her out. It's not about that. This is about the pretty girl possibly not dating the oafish manager who douses himself in Old Spice. ok, ok, I can't go on. or this would turn into a rant.


recommended download:
Oasis, The Importance of Being Idle, and Part of the Queue


Anonymous said...

do like you know who again?

i know i am setting myself up for a stupid answer to this stupid question but i couldn't think of any other way to ask it.

Tom said...

ok, if I knew who "you know who" was I would give you a straight answer.

but no, I don't know who. so a straight answer will be tough.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say "no."

and another way to ask it is through email. because then maybe at least you could put a name with "you know who," you know? ;)

Anonymous said...

what on Earth are you talking about, Tom, can you please come up with better nicknames than "cute girl" and "pretty girl" and "girl I have a crush on?" COME ON YOU KNOW YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT.

Tom said...

that's an excellent point. a friend of mine (you don't know her) saw a picture of the girl I have a crush on and now refers to her as "nose girl." which is rather unfortunate because really her nose is a normal size, it was just a bad picture.

and, I'd just like to point out, for posterity, that "cute girl" and "the pretty girl" are way better identifiers than "you know who I mean"


Anonymous said...

I have no idea who you mean or when you've have referred to anyone by this.

Tom said...

I'm not going to say anything about the "you've have" but I will say that if you read all the posts and all the comments on each post (like a faithful blog reader ought to) you would recognize each and every reference. :)

Anonymous said...

My apologies. I will make sure to carefully proofread every blog comment before I hit the "Publish Your Comment" button.

If you aren't going to say anything about the "you've have," then I won't say anything about the lack of a comma after the "you've have" in your comment.