Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Fake Tuesday

I had no idea today was "fake monday." Then, three minutes ago, as I was leaving work (ha, leaving work that early? no way, jake), I read two different blogs referencing "fake monday." Ok, one blog, and one comment on this blog.

The point is: I had no idea it was a fake monday. I tell you, my interactions would have been much different today if I'd known. Instead I approached today like any other tuesday, albeit with a grumpy attitude due to lack of sleep.

So tomorrow? Fake Tuesday. So at least I can get one fake day in this workweek. I hate feeling left out.

cascadingly yours,

recommended download:
Dispatch, Open Up


Anonymous said...

Hi! I've never commented here before, but I will say now that your blog is funny. Are you trying to be famous through your blog, and be featured in People magazine? That would be cool, I'd probably save that article for a week or so. Hi, Donny and Adina and Kat and everyone else from 18A that reads this! I haven't had any fake days this week yet, but its been a mini vacation til I have to go back to Tokyo tomorrow. Boo! Tokyo isnt so exciting except for the earthquakes which give us something to chat about. Typhoons have proven largely uneventful. Is this comment too long now? I'll stop. I feel like my cleverness have decreased exponentially ever since I stopped being online with the constant need for witty away messages to keep my mind sharp. I'm becoming increasingly dull, does this comment portray that fact? Luckily I still have my devastating good looks, which is really all you need to get by. Bye, Tom! Katie T.

Tom said...

Well that was totally unexpected. Hi KT. Thanks for reading. :-Þ

Anonymous said...

I work with a katie, and whenever i write "KT, this needs to be fixed" or "KT, please see me", I always think of our KT.

hi KT. Do you read all of our blogs?

Anonymous said...

No! I only have Tommy's blog. I read it infrequently, but do enjoy those seldom occassions (he's a funny guy, that one). I generally hate any extra-curricular activity that extends the amount of time I have to spend in front of a computer screen. Having said that...are there any other blogs I should know about? I always have to bug Donny for updates on the crew. K-Tiddy (soon to be just "Tiddy" - the K gets in the way)

Tom said...

Check the links on the side, donny's in there under brassicaput, adina's in there under craziasian, and so on...that top section is for people I know personally, and there's a good chance you know some of them personally too ;)


Anonymous said...

And then there was light!

Anonymous said...

and if you think tom is funny...

Tom said...

tom isfunny.
what the hell is that comment supposed to mean?
and adinais funnier than tom?
yeah. right.
maybe funnier looking! (zing!)
