Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Olfactory Assault

I’ve only been here fifteen minutes and already have something to post about. (This is a sure sign that I will be ever-productive and get loads of work done today.)

My eyes are watering. I read somewhere that a human’s sense of smell is at its peak between the ages of fifteen and twenty. So I’m pretty glad I’ve left those years behind me, because I would not want to be smelling these smells with peak olfactory awareness.

It started when I got off the train: Pungent odors, all around. Really, disgusting smells wafting around the station. Some of the other commuters voiced their disgust. Then I walked past a fruit stand and was hit with the smell of rotting fruit. Then past that alley, and I don’t even want to try and identify what smells were coming from there, because that might be the only thing worse than actually smelling them. Then I got into the building, and there’s some sour smell in the air, like maybe someone left a carton of cream in the refrigerator past its expiration.

This has so far not been a pleasant morning for my nose.


recommended download:
AC/DC, Heat Seeker

[p.s. I’ve got another post about tooth-brushing, don’t let me forget, and also one about making mistakes…]

1 comment:

mance01 said...

Everything smells especially pungent today? Hmm. Maybe you're pregnant.