Thursday, August 25, 2005

Typical Situation

I’m in a tenuous situation. The new guy, that took over for the pretty girl?, is starting to ask me questions. He seems to think I know how things work, that I’m friendly enough and knowledgeable enough to help.  

But really, I’m not. I am not friendly, and, with most people here, I go out of my way to be cold and unfeeling, to discourage friendliness. I am certainly not helpful, because I don’t know what the hell is going on, there is no way I could answer his questions accurately. Do I stay quiet? Do I give him incorrect info which will only end up making everyone’s job harder? Mostly I’ve been trying to avoid him. Because then he can’t ask…plus, he’s starting to creep me out.

The best thing to do is to tell him to shut the hell up, I’m not your  manager, I’m not here to hold your hand, and stop asking me your stupid moron questions I’ve got my own work to do, this isn’t my job!

I haven’t said that, and it probably has something to do with actually being a nice guy in real life. I’ve gotta find a way around that.


recommended downloads:
The Beatles, For No One
The Flaming Lips, Fight Test


Donny said...

I have befriended the "new guy" in an attempt to create my own clique and build power and influence within the office.

Tom said...

Yeah, but I bet your guy can spell his own name.

Anonymous said...

um.... weren't you just complaining about how the new people are all stupid and don't ask questions?

Tom said...

"what does that computer do? if I book a trade wrong will that cause a discrepancy on the maturity? what are these things on my feet?"

these are not good questions.