Monday, August 22, 2005

Somebody save me

I hate the new guy. All of them. Well, ok, I only hate three of the four new guys, but majority rules.

They’re so stupid.

I can’t stand it. It’s not like this is a difficult job. I’ve said it before, and I maintain, that trained monkeys could do this job. I know I wasn’t this bad when I started. I asked questions. They do not. They sit, blissfully unaware in their ignorance, and it’s driving me nuts. (like the steering wheel sticking out of the pirate’s pants – ha!)

The stupider the new guys are the more I want to quit. I don’t ever want to be in a position where I will be responsible for training these morons. (that’s twice in one day I’ve used that word…that’s a word I almost never use). I have this deep-seated fear that their stupidity is going to suck the intelligence out of me. Like a black hole.

I’m lining the walls of my cubicle with aluminum foil right now.

They better smarten up soon. If I’m subjected to this sort of environment every day for an extended period of time things could get real bad. Real bad. I bet you’d even see it in my posts; rambling, incoherent diatribes stringing meaningless relations between nonsensical and sparsely related subjects. The pacing would probably increase too; multiple posts in a day, distracted musings, posts railing against coworkers…posts talking about lack of windows…

about people leaving me…

oh no.

It’s already started.

recommended downloads:
Ani Difranco, Superhero
Sugarcult, Insane, and Bouncing Off The Walls Again


mance01 said...

Just make a hat out of tin foil. That way you 1. save tin 2. deflect stupid rays from infiltrating your brain 3. look cool.

(Only 2 of the above 3 are true.)

Tom said...

they don't make tin foil.
it's aluminum foil.


mance01 said...

I know. That's why number 1 isn't true.

Johnny Sapphire said...

