Wednesday, August 24, 2005


I just watched Harold and Kumar Go To Whitecastle, and now I really want to go too.

Also, in relation to the title of this post, remember that show Sliders? It was about some parallel universe jumping time travellers and may or may not have starred Jason Bateman, who is also in Arrested Development, an episode of which was directed by Danny Leiner, the same guy who directed episodes of Felicity, Sports Night, Gilmore Girls, and you guessed it, Harold and Kumar



Anonymous said...

It did not star Jason Bateman, though I see where you're getting that.

It actually starred Jerry O'Connell, which was one of the first boys I ever had a crush on (because of the show Sliders might I add).

BUT Jerry O'Connell was in Can't Hardly Wait (that washed up football star who can't get any chicks in college), which starred Ethan Embry (also a high school crush and also because of this movie though I watched it again recently and realized it was the corniest of movies), who was in Harold and Kumar (the jerk boss when really how could Ethan Embry ever be a jerk?). THAT is where your connection is - it's such an easy (and good looking) one too.

Tom said...

Right, Jerry O'Connell. I used to watch that show sometimes.

Stephermay said...

and i caught 'can't hardly wait' on hbo tonight...
