Thursday, August 04, 2005

First Message: 3:46PM, Thursday...

"Hey Tom, it's Adina, um, I just was calling because I spent the last hour reading Maggie Mason's and other assorted blogs. And, I didn't realize what a subculture blogging is until, I think, today. I knew that people did it, I knew that it like, I did it with my friends to keep up - but they have like a BlogHer confrerence and I really wanted to go to that, and I really wanted to meet Maggie Mason and make her laugh, and I wanted to like surf the web and learn all these new things and post them on the journal and be witty and sarcastic and wonderful and... I just wanted to thank you for opening me up to this world of what marriage life will be whenI have children and, you know, nothing else to do but do laundry and go online. Um, so now I have like a jumpstart on it and I'm prepared, um, anyway, I just wanted to call and talk about how wonderful Mighty Girl is and just wanted to see how you're doing and how the job's going considering you have no time to post except for like a little one-liners about nothing that, you know, maybe one day over the weekend you can update more thoroughly. But anyway, I miss you online, I will conitinue to post feverishly, I'm getting interent tomorrow at my house so, I hope your'e doing well and I hope you're peeling thoroughly and evenly, and I will talk to you later. Bye!"

Thanks Adina :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my god do i really sound like that on the phone?

how embarassing.

note to self: must stop leaving absurd messages on people's voicemails.