Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Da Bears

Ok, so, I'm really going to drive to the middle of the country. I can't believe how excited I am. It's like "woo, I get to sit in my car for fifteen hours!" That's just a rough estimate, I haven't planned out exactly what route to take yet. I know I will be leaving from Boston, swinging up through Chicago, and ending up in Milwaukee. It'll be in November so there won't be any Brewers games, but it would be really sweet to see the Blackhawks.

Which brings me to another point. I have no idea how much this is going to cost me. Figure 2400 miles, round trip, getting about 17 mpg. Which works out to (you see, it that math degree really is useful) 141 gallons of gas, going for the national average of... well, I don't know what the national average is, let's call it $2.50 for easy numbers: $352.94

Ok, so budget wise. $400.00 for gas, $150.00 for food, $40.00 for a hockey ticket. What else? I'll be in Milwaukee, so I'll probably be drinking...$100? I'll factor in a hotel stay along the route in case I get sidetracked, lost, delayed, or too tired to drive, but how much will that be? $25 bucks at a sleazy motel? $200 a night at a sweet place in a big city like Chicago? No idea.

So, call it a thousand dollar trip. I should start saving now.

recommended downloads:
Midtown, Help Me Sleep
The Promise Ring, Happiness Is All The Rage
Bob Schneider, Lonely Land


Anonymous said...

tom take me with you to mikwaukee.

then you can split that 400 on gas in half baby.

Donny said...

I would pay the $400 just for the stories of you two driving 800 miles for 14 hours (17, if Tom drives) in a truck.

Donny said...

Also, you'll be saving money on beer. It's relatively cheap here. We have happy hours. And free brewery tours. Budget $60 for beer.

Anonymous said...

i wouldn't accept your 400 bucks because i would become a top ten selling author with my new book, "a justification of slashing tires of red truck when driving in said truck to Milwaukee with friend to visit friend and drink beer." Coming soon on bookshelves everywhere.

Tom said...

wait, I'm sorry, was that a threat? that's just about the worst way to earn a spot in the truck on a road trip.

maybe your book should be called "I was going to make a statement about gas guzzling uncool four wheel drive vehicles with cargo beds but couldn't keep my big mouth shut long enough to get a shot at it"
