Friday, July 15, 2005

Long lunch

So today, being busy, I decided to eat lunch at my desk (where normally I would skip out for an hour, maybe an hour fifteen). I ran over to subway, grabbed a drink at 7-11, came back and sat down.

It took me an hour and twenty minutes to eat my turkey club.

Mostly this is because I did not (and probably never will) say "not now, I'm eating" or "can this wait ten minutes?" or "back off! can't you see I'm on my break!" No. None of those things were said. When Buster asked about a trade not tying out, when Collin asked about a program he had to run, when hypermanager said "hey, got five minutes?" for the third time, those things were not said.

Because I'm a pushover? No.
Because I can't say no? No. (ha! see? just said it.)
Because I'm a nice guy? Yeah, sort of.

I know when I've got a problem or a question I don't like being blown off or told to wait, even though, when that happens I understand. So, I'm not going to tell people to wait. I would hate to be the cause of (or excuse for) negative feelings. Can't we all just get along?

Anyway, the point is, it was a loooong lunch. I'm glad I got the turkey sub and not the cheeseburger sub. That would have tasted terrible cold.

recommended downloads
The Folksmen, Blood On The Coal (A Mighty Wind Soundtrack)


Anonymous said...

welcome to my world. of course i never learned my lesson and usually end up eating cold lean cuisines at 12:41PM.

oh and by the way
did i win the haiku thing
cuz i deserve it

Anonymous said...

great. I'll buy you a lean cuisine meal. I mean lean-cui-suck. ha.
