Friday, July 22, 2005

God is my friend

Well, now it's official. I am promoted

They announced it in today's impromptu group meeting. I didn't get nearly as many dirty stares as I'd anticipated, which I hope bodes well. It could be they were all just too tired to react. I know I was.

From now on, in my new role as senior, I will be responsible for more and more work. I will have increasingly less time to slack off [read: update the blog]. This additional work has pros and cons, like
keeping busy seems to make the day go by quicker
new responsibilities mean new things to learn, and boy do I like to learn
I get to boss people around!

no more sitting around
less time for doodling
more problems to solve...wait, that should be a pro, I like solving problems.
being resented by coworkers for my rocket-like ascencion through the ranks
hypermanager treating me as if his every whim is my command (it isn't)

anyway, there are others, ones I haven't experienced yet, but hey, that's what the blog is here for right? to chronicle and document fabricated stories about work.

until next time,

recommended downloads:
The Offspring, Something To Believe In
Queen, Fat-Bottomed Girls
Bob Schneider, God Is My Friend


Stephermay said...

and you're making hats for the occasion?

Tom said...

ha ha.
no, I don't need to be adding any more to my workload :-Þ
